Example Debris Removal Plan from the 2024 Bridge Fire in LA County

(Expect something like this will be available for the Eaton Fire Soon)

Example Rebuild Application Process Flowchart from the 2024 Bridge Fire in LA County

(Expect something like this will be available for the Eaton Fire Soon)


Look up your lot and see where they are with the clean up process


The main landing page for Debris Removal information



LA County Recovers

Information on the Clean-Up/Debris Removal Process

Right of Entry Forms, need to be filled out by March 31, 2025 to allow access to your property if you are Opting-In to Free Army Corps Debris Removal. LA County needs to clarify advice given on the Recovery Website on everyone filling out an ROE Form to speed recovery for whole neighborhoods. As of now the Right of Entry Form and the Opt-In form are the same form.

Phase One Hazardous Household Waste Removal Property owners do NOT need to sign up for Phase 1 household hazardous debris removal. However, if your property has been damaged or destroyed, it must pass a Phase 1 household hazardous debris inspection and clearance by the EPA before being eligible for moving into Phase 2 removal of the remaining fire debris.

Phase Two, General Debris Removal For Phase 2, property owners need to decide whether to opt in for free cleanup by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or opt out and pay a specialized, approved contractor to remove the remaining fire debris, following all necessary requirements, rules and regulations.Property owners won’t be able to get a Phase 2 permit unless they have received Phase 1 clearance from the EPA.

If you opt-out of free Army Corp Clean-Up BE AWARE OF South Coast AQMD Rule 1403…

 – Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation Activities Requires specific work practices to limit asbestos emissions from job sites. For those who opt out of the no-cost-to-residents debris cleanup conducted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (i.e., Phase 2), the following steps must be taken to comply with the rule when addressing any debris or damaged structures on their property.

  1. Hire a Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) to perform an asbestos survey to determine if the debris or remaining structures to be removed contain asbestos. An official list of CACs maintained by Cal/OSHA can be found here: Cal/OSHA Certified Asbestos Consultants

  2. If the CAC finds that asbestos-containing material (ACM) is present in any of the debris or damaged structures to be removed, then: 

    1. A cleanup plan (Procedure 5 Approved Alternative) prepared by a CAC must be completed; 

    2. A registered asbestos abatement contractor must be hired to clean up the asbestos materials, and a list of abatement contractors registered with Cal/OSHA can be found at Cal/OSHA Registered Asbestos Abatement Contractors; and 

    3. The abatement contractor will submit a notification for asbestos removal to South Coast AQMD electronically using the Rule 1403 Notification Web Application.

  3. If no asbestos is found by the CAC, then site cleanup may proceed without an asbestos cleanup plan or notification. There may be additional county or city requirements, however, for debris removal. Please consult your local municipalities for details.

For any other questions relating to the removal of debris or damaged structures, please send an email with your question to Rule1403Notifications@aqmd.gov. 

Additional Fire Debris Removal Resources

LA County Public Works Fire Debris Hotline: 844-347-3332

EPA Hotline: 1-833-798-7372

US Army Corps of Engineers Debris Call Center: 213-308-8305